For some reason I seem to know where almost all of my 'old' boats are residing. I can't say this about any other item that I've periodically upgraded, including cars, guns, and other sporting equipment. I have no good explanation of this phenomena or conscious thought of wanting to know where the kayaks wound up. It just sort of happened.
The first boat that went to a friend was when the GurneyGranny bought my CD Solstice GT. Shortly after that she decided she liked the way my Gulfstream fit and handled and talked PodMan into purchasing that boat and trading with her. Now I get to paddle with my former craft several times each season. My Scirocco is down in northern Iowa, creeking and paddling Lake Okoboji, and my Feathercraft is paddled by the ZumbroFallsImpressionist in an environmentally sound and carbon neutral manner. In related boats that I've spent quality time in, GalwayGuy's Valley Skerry is now the property of the BearWhisperer up in Washburn, WI and the VOR's CD Storm is being paddled by the KingOfIronwoodIsland, often utilized as a beer barge for longer expeditions.
Every now and then, including last night at our first official Wednesday night paddle of the season on Medicine Lake, the topic will come up and possible reasons will be discussed. The most commonly held belief is that I'm a soft touch and tend to give my friends good deals on the boats. There are those who will disagree with that point of course, and claim dumb luck. Another thought is that becuause I've had so much fun in all those boats that I have an unconscious desire to give them a good home and 'visit' them every now and then. If that was the case, I'd know where my '66 Ford Econoline Super Van was. I had more fun and good memories in that baby than any other venue I can think of. I remember when we.........uh, better not. The most plausible theory is the Pied Piper theory. I'm an advocate of the sport and a junkie for all things related to Lake Superior, carrier of a contagious enthusiasm for getting out in the world's largest freshwater lake in long skinny craft. I suppose its as good as any so I might as well go with it. I just hope that I don't go to register for my favorite campsite in the Apostles and find out its been reserved by one of my fomer sea kayaks. In that case I guess I'd just need to draw on the goodwill generated by my below market value kayak offering and beg for a spot to pitch my tent.
1 comment:
It's easy for me to keep track of all my old boats. With the exception of an old puddle boat, they are all right here in the Lady Linda reminds me.
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