On Sunday GalwayGuy is off to St Louis to begin his career as a seminarian. We all agreed that the necessary elements of a good going away party would be some paddling, rolling, and a few hors d'oeuvre's washed down with some fine microbrewed beer. So that is precisely what we did.

His leaving will alter my paddle outings considerably. For GG and I, a good paddle outing was usually a vigorous 50 yard paddle followed by an hour of rolling with the Greenland sticks. I do enjoy a good lengthy paddle but there are those days when a person just wants to get wet. Last night was a combo paddle. We circumnavigated Long Lake, roughly a three plus mile endeavor, and then hung out on the water while a few of us got wet. For some reason, floating on the lake in your boat on a beautiful summer evening is an activity that its very difficult to tire of.

The rollers in the video are GalwayGuy (crook of elbow roll), RonO (reverse sweep), TheManFromSnowyLegs (EuroSweep), and me (standard Greenland roll). In keeping with the signature anarchism/herding cats nature of the SKOAC Renegades, no one announced which roll they would do and we all came up with a different one.
I like the GP with the flag painted on... Awesome!
I love your photos. They help keep me sane in my government cubicle.
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