The attached article was sent to me by GurneyGranny, who received it from the 'head wolf guy' with the Wisconsin DNR. Even though we are avid, some would say rabid, deer hunters we also enjoy having wolves in our area. GG and Podman both took the tracking course and we do a wolf survey in our area in the winter for the Timberwolf Alliance/Wis DNR.

Kayaker fights off hungry wolf on North Coast
Larry Pynn, CanWest News Service
Published: Wednesday, August 01, 2007
VANCOUVER -- A Port Moody kayaker's recent life-and-death struggle with a hungry wolf on B.C.'s remote North Coast -- the second wolf attack in the province in seven years, and the first thought to involve predatory intent -- has prompted a conservation officer to warn against taking wolf encounters too lightly.
"This was a predatory wolf attack," conservation officer James Zucchelli confirmed from his Bella Coola Valley office.
The 31-year-old kayaker was setting up his tent on a beach on the coast when an old female wolf emerged from the bushes and attacked, Zucchelli said.
The kayaker fought with the wolf for several minutes, suffering bites to his leg and hands as he tried to pry its jaws apart and put it in a headlock.
He dragged himself and the wolf several metres down the beach to his kayak, removed a 10-cm knife from his life- jacket, and repeatedly stabbed the animal.
The wolf fled and the kayaker called for help on his marine radio. Employees from a nearby resort rescued him, then killed the wolf with a shotgun blast.
What a story! I can just picture it - wolf in a headlock, dragging it to your kayak and then stabbing it! What a man. Sounds even more dangerous than a NZ possum.
One more thing to 'kinda' worry about I guess. Must have been a hungry wolf to attack a full sized man!
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