A hardy SKOAC crew headed for Bush Lake under threatening skies last night for some kayak games. Cowboy reentries, hackey sack/laCrosse (no stripper accusations or prosecutors run amok at this event), hand paddling, synchronized rolling, most rolls in 30 seconds, and other fun stuff was on the evenings menu. In addition, the crack Summit beer video/interview crew were there to film for a new website that they will be launching called the Social Element. Take a peek, pretty cool stuff.

The key element to the Social Element interview process was of course the free beer at the end. I've been enjoying Summit Extra Pale ale since day one in 1986 and even served as an unofficial brewery representative when I hauled a half barrel of Great Northern Porter down to Madison for the precursor of the current Great Taste of the Midwest Beer Festival. Good folks and even better beer! The turnout was fairly light, especially given the gratis beer situation, but at least a dozen of the crew are headed for Oak Island this weekend and the weather did look a bit threatening. In the end what this meant, of course..........more beer for we hardy souls that made it!!

Ooh. Another beer to taste. Thanks, Olsen!
Unfortunately, they don't distribute in NC, closest is KY. However...http://www.beergeek.biz/ might deliver. Beer by mail, what a concept!
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