Since I am in Ireland this week, combining business with pleasure, and the fellow I paddled with on Galway Bay in Ballyvaughn is back in Brittany with his kayak touring business shut down for the season, I guess I might as well write about beer. The contraption at the top of the post is called Arthurs Table, a double tap unit that beer lovers can sit around and draw their own beers. The unit is metered and set up to pay by the pint. The one above is in Doolin, Co Clare but there was one in Minneapolis at The Local and I made many a black and tan from it at an industry reception that my company held last year. I won't be making any this year however, because the City of Minneapolis shut it down.
When I got the note about this torpedo that the city fired at our little event in November, I immediately got in touch with the city councilman for our ward. Kevin Reich got back to me immediately and said that although the city inspectors indeed shut the tap unit down, it was at the behest of the state and their liquor laws. It was explained that since the bartenders did not control the unit there was a great danger of serving those who had been overserved as well as minors. That is a lame argument at the very best. Bars can't let minors in unless they are with their parents. There are bartenders and waitressed all over the place that can check on drunks and ask them to leave. Plus, I don't know about anyone else but if I'm paying for the beers I'm not going to pull a pint for anyone I don't know or isn't part of my group. It would be the same for a group sitting around the table. What's the likelihood of a drunk stranger or 16 year old sidling up and getting you to pour them a beer? Pretty damn poor in my opinion.

1 comment:
Cheers...turn the tp back on.
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