Last weekend found a group of 60 or so eager students and a
couple dozen equally eager coaches in Munising, MI for the 4th
annual Gales Storm Gathering, a grad school level symposium on how to handle
sea kayaks in what we all hoped would be some larger conditions. I coached at the GLSKS earlier in the summer
but I was quite appropriately in the student category for this event, although
I was forced to don my coaching helmet briefly on the last day but more on that
later. Our intrepid foursome of myself,
the ManFromSnowyLegs, StripperDave, and the MalmuteWhisperer all gathered at a
nice VRBO cabin in Christmas, MI with a great view of Grand Island and a
nearshore forecast that promised to deliver those conditions that we all drove
6-7 hours to work and learn in.
The first day was the most benign as we eased up the east
side of Grand Island toward the tip of the thumb. The cliffs and indentations made for some fun
rock gardening practice as well as some mini surfing at our lunch spot. We also got a bit of a taste of what was to
come the next couple days as we rounded the point and got a bit of the building
NW wind, maybe 15 knots gusting to 20 or so.
Everyone seemed to be pushing it a bit, trying to improve, because at
least three of us took a swim.
StripperDave ventured in close to the rocks and his lovely strip boat
which was based on the Impex Outer Island hull, and got a couple scrapes as it
went over near the cliffs. I dragged him
out from the rocks and we did what we both thought was a pretty sweet T
rescues. We did a couple more simulated
rescue scenarios on the way back and had an exercise with ‘the blind leading
the blind’. I was paired with Sharon
Bustamante, the two Greenland sticks in the group. The game was played with the lead paddler
closing their eyes and the trailing one giving directions on which strokes to
use to stay away from the cliffs. It
became apparent quickly that ‘two left sweeps’ was a lot more effective and
specific than ‘turn right’. A bit of
towing ended the day and we headed back to the launch at Sand Point. Some rescue practice pointed out that we
needed to come out of our boats more often and that I was in need of an
instructor update sooner rather than later.

The coaching from Keith Wikle and Jake Sachovak was both
timely and specific, although Jakes analysis of my bow plant was a bit more
detailed than Keith’s, “Nice endo Olson!”.
The common thread and a comment that I heard over and over was
complimenting the quality of the coaches.
Jake pointed out to me that with longboats we need to be a bit further
back on the wave to avoid that bow plant and give us a better chance to steer
the boat with a stern rudder than if the bow was planted. After all of us swam the coached suggested
that we paddle back and forth in the soup a bit to get used to bracing,
bouncing, and general chaos.
After going
over twice and rolling up both times Jake also pointed out that, to use Scott
Fairty’s axiom, keep moving and even if
you are doing the wrong thing, do it aggressively and with purpose. No more involuntary inversions for the
session after that gem, even though the waves were building and Keith made the
observation that any learning was pretty much over and it became an afternoon
of paddling out and attempting to head back in upright. One nice feature of surfing with a Greenland
stick, a trick I learned from Mike McDonald at an earlier Gales. When you have a neutral stern rudder with an
extended Greenland stick, you have immense leverage to help turn the boat. I happened to be using a carbon fiber stick
lent to me by none other than FivePieceRoy and it worked perfectly.

So far two days of excellent learning and as much fun as you
can have when you’re sitting down, but the forecast indicated that wind and
waves would be decreasing throughout Sunday.
When we arrived at Miner’s Castle Beach we discovered that this was not
the case. Surf was rolling in and the
veer from west northwest to a southwest wind only funneled the wind up the
channel between Miners Castle and Grand Island like a bellows on a blacksmith’s
forge. How strong it was blowing would
not become apparent until we rounded Miners Castle point but to begin with we
headed the other way toward the main Pictured Rocks area. After paddling about 300 yards and having the
group separated by 100 yards it was decided to head back into the lee of Grand
Island, which reduced the fetch from about 30 miles to five or so. The waves, clapotis, and tour boat wakes
thrown in for good measure created that gigantic upside down egg carton paddle
that we all talk about. Heading back to
the southwest brought us to Miner’s Castle point, which was perfect as it had
relatively benign swells to play in on the lee side and 20 knots or so of wind
and confused seas reflecting off the cliffs.
I played a bit in the wind and waves and then headed back to the lee
where I was forced to put on my instructor helmet by Jeremy Vore who ‘didn’t
like them odds’ of 6 paddlers and one instructors. We then planned and executed our surf
landings. As StripperDave, the last guy
to land pointed out, it was like a Monty
Python movie; people would land and then
fall over when the next wave nailed them.
That’s Dave’s head in the image below, photographic credit Sam Crowley. The ManFromSnowyLegs was not nearly ready to
be done and was out playing with Jake until the last dog died.
I would have to say that this Gales, the third one I’ve
attended, was the best by far.
Conditions were part of it, coaching a huge part, but it seemed like
things just came together. The gathering
place at Sydney’s seemed to fit our needs perfectly and the paddling spots were
within 30 minutes of the restaurant. We
also discovered a nice little brewpub a half blocks walk from Sydneys, an
amenity that we partook of a couple three times over the weekend. In the case
of southerly winds, a situation that occurred the first year, Manistique and
Lake Michigan are about 45 minutes south.
As the MFSL and I can attest, it gets plenty big there. Again, I can’t say enough about the
coaching. It’s a veteran group and they
kicked collective ass. If you are an
intermediate paddler looking to gain some big water techniques and experience,
this is the spot in the Great Lakes area.
We all agreed on the ride home that ‘next year in Munising’ would be
something we would be looking forward to over our summer of paddling.
*photo credits to Bill Thompson of Downwind Sports, Sam Crowley of Sea Kayak Specialists, and yours truly*
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