has to be the longest stretch that this site has gone without a new post since 2007
when I started writing it. A combination
of other work related writing and an almost unprecedented thirteen days away
from the desk had made me lazy and a bit preoccupied. I'm back.
I find that being outdoors constantly dampens the urge to write while
sitting in front of a computer screen doing mundane, non writing related tasks
seems to fuel the urge.

My time off
was book ended by coaching at the Great Lakes Sea Kayak Symposium on the front
end and being coached by Turner Wilson and Cheri Perry on the back end. Both experiences provided excellent learning
opportunities and being on both sides of the kayak learning model helps with
both instructing and being instructed. The guiding aspect of sea kayaking is one that
I attempt to avoid but one that is expected of us on day one of the GLSKS. This year I drew the Spray Falls Adventure,
along with FivePieceRoy, MrEngineerGear, Marius, and Ray. The five of us had roughly fifteen paddlers and the tour was indeed an
The paddle
began off loading boats at one of the finest mosquito preserves on the UP, the
Beaver Bay campground. This years late,
wet summer has made mosquito breeding conditions absolutely perfect. The silver lining was that it sped up the
launch considerably. The route for the
tour is certainly an adventure. It
begins with a short paddle from a small bay through a channel and into Beaver
Lake is. A creek leaves Beaver Lake and flows a twisty, snaky 800 meters to
Lake Superior. At the end is a log jam
that requires a roughly 80 meter (16 rods for you BWCA fans) portage. It was a bit of a character check and
watching some folks help with four or five boats vs. others helping with zero
boats gave a pretty good indication of what to expect on the big lake. It was a rainy day, a deluge at times, and we could hear far off
thunder but had not seen any lightning flashes.
Radar on the iPhone seemed to indicate the storm was over Grand Island and
moving off to the northeast, good news for us, bad news for the two Grand
Island tours, one of which waited three hours to launch. Our group paddled about a mile southwest along the
shore and stopped at the end of twelve mile beach, the last landing spot before
the cliffs, to evaluate the weather.
Rain but no more rumbling helped us decide to paddle the two miles to the
falls. There were nooks and crannies to
play in and gulls and mergansers to entertain us, which tended to string out
the group, a situation that was not a problem on water as flat as a pancake and with five coaches. Then we saw the falls.
The same wet
weather that favored the mosquito community had increased the flow of the falls
to triple or quadruple its normal volume.
A paddler could normally paddle under the flow and cool off but paddling
under this flow would result in an instantly snapped neck. I'm not sure what the cfs flow was but at 8#/gallon there were tons of water cascading off the cliff every second. This was bluntly pointed out to a couple of folks and
everyone kept back a decent distance.
The amount of spray and velocity of the wind coming off the water column highlighted the force of the falls.
We regrouped to head back to the creek mouth and things became strung
out again, bad if the lake was active but again, with five coaches spread
out and keeping contact with everyone it worked OK.
After 'riding drag' as we paddled and pulled our boats back up the creek
to Beaver Lake, we encountered the southwest wind in the wake of the storm that
had nicked us. Our friends off Grand Island had a hell of a time getting back
with with gusts up to 30mph but fortunately minimal fetch. Some of our newer paddlers had a tough time
on the inland lake but we all managed to get to the small channel to the bay in good shape.
LIke real
estate values, the key to this tour was location, location, location. It was arguably the best tour choice of that stormy Thursday. One tour was called
off, a couple more delayed, and the Grand Island ones offered a bit more
challenge than some people had hoped for. Tow belts were indeed deployed. We missed the lightning and were in
the lee of the SW wind while on the big lake. It seemed that everyone had a
great experience as evidenced by the beer fueled conversations at the annual
Beers with Bill slide show. Other than a
bit of towing, all we guides had to do was paddle, chat, and keep our eyes
open. Like most of 'em, it was a good
day to be on the water.
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