It would appear that we are going to have a 'wolf hunting' season again in Wisconsin. Its actually a wolf killing plan, just like the good old bounty days. The season will run five months, I believe the longest hunting season in the state, 15 October through February. People can bait wolves, trap them, use electronic calls, run dog packs, and hunt them 24 hours. This scheme is pretty much based on politics with minimal, perhaps non existent, attention paid to the science and biology of the whole thing. In any event, I fired off an email to the DNR and very quickly received a form response back, an email that's as bland and lacking in substance as a warm can of Bud Lite. Rather than working myself up into a rant or tirade, I'll just post the email I sent as well as the thoughtful response from the DNR......
Sent: Thursday,
June 07, 2012 07:57 AM
To: Ross, Laurie J - DNR
Subject: Upcoming wolf hunt
To: Ross, Laurie J - DNR
Subject: Upcoming wolf hunt
Ms Ross & Seceretary Stepp,
As a landowner in western Bayfield County and
homeowner in Washburn, WI I would like to offer my opinion on the upcoming wolf
hunt in Wisconsin. I have purchased a Wisconsin deer license almost every
year since 1966 and have friends on both fringes of the wolf issue, people who
claim that the wolves have eaten all the deer and boast that they would shoot
any wolf they saw, to tree hugger types who feel wolves should be absolutely
protected and it would be nice to have a small pack in the River Hills section
of Milwaukee. I’d like to think I have a bit more of a moderate position,
almost a bad word during these days of political polarization.
I’m not opposed to a limited wolf hunting season. I
think the deer predation thing is greatly overblown and that the main reason
that a lot of virulent, anti wolf deer hunters aren’t seeing as many deer is
because not as many are walking past the bar stool they are sitting on or
crossing the road that they are road hunting. At our camp two miles
from Lake Superior we have an active pack and winter kill accounts for at least
4 to 5 times as many deer as the wolves can manage. Its not hard at all
to tell the difference between the two. We take several deer every season
with minimal assistance or hindrance from our local pack, although we hear them
and see sign regularly.
I just saw an article in the Journal-Sentinel
a couple minutes ago. It says the season runs from October 15 through the
entire month of February. It also says that dogs, electronic calls, bait,
and night hunting are allowed. I’m not sure where to start on this but
I’ll give it a try. Hunting canines with other canines, or bears for that
matter, is something out of the middle ages. We have frequently had packs
of slobbering bear dogs come loping through camp during the ‘training season’.
A bit disconcerting when sitting outside enjoying a beverage. I won’t
even comment on interactions with their owners. Will packs of ‘wolf dogs’
now be ranging through the woods ‘practicing’ during August and
September? Will the DNR still be paying for any of these dogs that get
killed by the very animals that they are attempting to kill? If so, it
seems kind of stupid to me as a taxpayer, a plan designed to both bleed dollars
from the budget and subsidize the cluelessness of the dog owners. As far
as the electronic calls and bait there is a concept called ‘Fair Chase’.
If the concept is to kill as many wolves as possible that’s great, but if its
not, it would seem to be a bit shortsighted. Letting people hunt at night
is serious craziness. I’ve gone coon hunting over dogs in my youth and
after a couple times decided that other than taking a bath with the radio
plugged in and perched on the edge of the tub, there was nothing more dangerous
or, once again, stupid, than running through the woods at night with
flashlights and firearms.
If you need to do it, to have this season, please consider
placing some realistic and safe restrictions on it. Starting slowly and
ramping things up if the success rate is too low (which I suspect it will be in
the hunting end; trapping is an entirely different matter) would seem to be the
prudent course. Not all deer hunters out there are in favor of this
season. Most of the men and women deer hunters I know have a hunting
ethic of eating what they shoot. Shooting an animal to have a hide on the
wall or a smiling photo of you and this vicious beast that you lured in at
night, to a pile of rotten meat, using a wounded rabbit recording, and then
shot with a rifle and a spotlight seems pretty weak and lame to me and most of
my hunting companions. Please consider this comment when assessing the
season and its parameters.
The Lake is the Boss
The Lake is the Boss
Here is the DNR response.......
Youremail has been distributed to all Natural Resources Board
members and Department staff for their consideration. On behalf of the
Board, I would like to thank you for your comments on Board
Order WM-08-12 and Emergency Board Order WM-09-12(E), proposed rules related to
establishing wolf hunting and trapping regulations and a depredation
program. For additional information on the proposed rules and the
hearings process, please click on the following link:
Emergency Board Order WM-09-12(E) will be before the Board for
adoption on Tuesday, July 17 in Stevens
Point, WI. If you
would like to testify or send written comment on the Emergency Board Order,
please refer to the following website on public participation: The July agenda and meeting materials will be
posted to the website towards the end of June at:
The deadline to register to testify or to send written comment for the July 17
meeting is 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 12.
Please feel free to contact the Natural Resources Board in the
future with additional comments or concerns.
Best regards,
Natural Resources Board Liaison, AD/8
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
P. O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921
phone: (608) 267-7420
fax: (608) 266-6983
Find us on Facebook:
Thank you for speaking up. There are so many disgusting political things happening now, and the wolf hunt is certainly one of them.
Thank you for speaking up.
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