I think this might be my first two post day. I got an email from the AINL informing folks that the rock formation known as 'the hole in the wall' or 'the keyhole' on the northeast corner of Oak Island, collapsed sometime over the course of the winter.
I've never paddled through the thing and I don't recall if it would have been possible, even in high water years. I do have pictures of the arch but am off in minutes for Camp O and the annual Bark Bay Fishing Invitational. The pictures were sent by the Park Service.

This is a good reminder that the sea caves in the spring can be a dicey proposition. We've all seen the big piles of rock and rubble beneath the arches and realize that at some point they had collapsed from the arch. Chances of it happening while a kayaker is in there is slim but its much greater in the spring when the ice has done its works on cracks and crevices to force the rock apart. Nature at work I guess.
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