President Obama, before leaving for the middle east, appointed a 'Great Lakes Czar' to make sure that about a dozen federal agencies can figure out how to coordinate their efforts and play nicely on such things as invasive species, polluted harbors, water usage, etc. The guy is Cameron Davis, the head of some environmental group in Chicago called the Alliance for the Great Lakes.
It sounds like an admirable goal but I would guess that it will require a plush office, numerous staff, and a hefty budget to get done what could likely get done with some inter agency liaison groups. I just hope he is a benevolent and reforming czar like Alexander II and reforms institutions, frees the serfs, and helps us wisely use our natural resources. Of course Alexander II got 'blowed up' when some of the very people who he assisted in removing the boot from their necks pitched a bomb into his carriage; that was no good at all. I also sincerely hope he isn't an autocratic czar like Nicholas I, who sent sword wielding cossacks into Winter Palace Square to squash the Decemberist revolt. Most of all, I fervently hope he isn't a basically well intentioned incompetent like Nicholas II, who left running the government to his spooky wife and a crazy monk from Siberia named Rasputin. We all know how that wound up.

Dave - I will never tire of checking your blog every morning for the latest news and comments.
ReplyDeleteWeather looks good for the weekend! See ya later.