Quite a few folks that I know attended the symposium primarily to paddle with Nigel. LoneRangerRob was on Oak Island with us the weekend before and the group split up for a day paddle. Uncharacteristically, he chose the shorter route, explaining he was, "Saving myself for the sprint to Devils and back with Nigel". That group left shortly before we did on that foggy Friday a week ago, and made it to Bear Island before complete lack of visibility made turning back the logical choice. Doug Van Doren, noted Greenland paddler and a guy who can maintain 80 strokes a minute indefinitely, was also on the tour and I noticed that he and Nigel were in the lead when they landed back at Little Sand Bay. I also had the good fortune of having Nigel directly behind me in our little environmental awareness action, the giant 350 made out of kayaks. This formation has yet to appear on the 350.org website, which is a bit of a mystery to me but maybe one of these days.

With all the peripheral stuff going on, I would still have to imagine that the main reason Nigel was there was to promote NDK boats. ChrisG from Boreal Shores had the complete NDK line down on the demo beach. Even though I was safety boating both days, the NDK kayaks beckoned me like the sirens on the rocks of Greek mythology or the three hillbilly sirens in Brother Where Art Thou?. I finally gave in and jumped in a Greenlander Pro which really didn't strike my fancy at all. I'll stick with my Q boat, thank you. ChrisG however, suggested that the Romany Surf might be a fun one for me to try so I jumped in and took it for a spin. Literally. A few different rolls, some braces, tele turns, a bit of edging.........

So if GalwayGuy and I sold the Capella 169, moved a couple things around in the garage, cut a deal with ChrisG, .........NO, I need to put this out of my mind. Its a bad mindset, the idea that I have as many boats as I need but not as many as I want. Still, with the economy needing stimulation, 4 months of paddling left, GG showing up here in a month or so......I guess I better get going, take a shower, and get ready for work. I'm thinking maybe a cold shower today.
This kind of thinking is okay, but don't put it into a blog...my wife might see it.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I enjoyed the picture of the famous kayak guy, but who is that behind you? :)