Thursday, May 7, 2009

Escape to Vancouver

Tomorrow morning I leave for Vancouver to meet with No1 Son to celebrate his three decades on this planet. He is a major bike guy that will jump in a kayak and I'm a major kayak guy that will jump on a bike. Compromise will be in order, with him handling the bike logistics and me lining up the long skinny boats. One thing we both agree on; investors should buy stock in the Granville Island brewery before tomorrow. Share prices are sure to rise. I'm not only excited to see Erik for the first time since before Christmas, but I need to flee the remorseless coverage of the Brett Favre/Viking speculation by the local sports knuckleheads. He's become the Joe Louis of football and whether some Rocky Marciano of a defensive end knocks his 40 yer old head off or not this upcoming season does not interest me one damn bit. I was also advised not to bring the hat in the image below as it could go bad for us on Saturday night as we watch the Canucks/Blackhawks square off.

I've checked out a couple spots and Ecomarine Kayak Centre seems to be the place to rent boats. I'm torn between the value, local knowledge, and cameraderie with fellow paddlers that can be gained from a guided trip and the go anywhere we please element of renting and paddling off toward the horizon. I'm sure I'll get input on that from my traveling companion. When I called the folks out there I found out that they have a number of different boats, including both a Nordkapp, Nordkapp LV, Aquanaut, and an Aquanaut HV for rent. Since both Erik and I are lanky this is good news for comfort and fit. A good map, compass, and rudimentary tide info and we should be good to go. An added bonus is that Ecomarine is a mere 5 minute walk from the welcoming arms of the Granville Island brewery.

Vancouver is a great bicycling city as well. The VOR and I were there a few years back at Christmas time and found the bike to be the perfect way to go. The bikes are even welcome on the many water taxis that take folks to places like (Granville) islands and such. I hope to get a bit more manly bike than the one I got on that trip but as a man secure in his self image it really doesn't matter. It's always fun when No1 son and I get together and I'm certain this adventure will be no exception.


  1. Been enjoying your recent escapades. And you work, when?

  2. I was informed two weeks ago that I had 3 days of vacation that needed to be used before 13 May. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror in the morning if they paid me (half, of course)for those days rather than me taking them. One was used for the BBI and the other is dedicated to the Father/Son Lost Weekend in Vancouver. Report to follow.

  3. sounds like that still leaves one day......Lake Superior?

    Best Wishes
