Because I am a tall individual, 6'4", I have had a lot of experience with torn ligaments from playing sports where you have to leap into the air. The problem is not the leaping but always seems to arise with the coming down part. This time was completely different. I was strolling out to my car with visions of cask Two Hearted Ale dancing around my head, savoring the fact that it was Friday night and the next day RonO and I would be heading north to skate the Vasaloppet loops for several enjoyable kilometers. Snow was coming down and covered the patches of ice that the unseasonable warm spell had provided us with. My foot just went out from under me and when I attempted to recover I went down with my left anke folded under and my entire weight on it. There was a nice 'pop', a sound I'd heard before, and I knew I was screwed.
I am in the midst of Plan B as we speak. A large pot of coffee and the Canoecopia flyer have kept me occupied for a bit. I am listening to the Birkie broadcast on WOJB 88.9FM, the Anishnabe public radio station on the Lac Court Oteilles Rez, south of Hayward, WI. I'd like to hear how both the real and the pseudo Bjorn Daehlie(s) do in the race. This blog post took a solid 15 minutes. After that I'm lost. A person doesn't realize how active they are until they have their wings clipped. Beer consumption comes to mind but I need to wait until at least noon for propriety's sake.
I'm sure I'll think of something. There must be some home related task that I would be avoiding by heading north to ski. Meanwhile, Canoecopia looks really interesting this year. Even though I really don't need anything,other than a CLC foam seat for when I rip the inadequate Valley seat out of my Aquanaut, I'm sure I'm good to drop fifty bucks on some new, essential piece of gear that I really need. Just the cameraderie with fellow paddlers makes it worth price of admission. Meanwhile, I'm sure I'll think of something to keep me occupied for a few days. I just hope its something thats at least semi positive and productive.
Propriety, schmopriety.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I'm a college kid.
By the way, I will be doing a three-day kayaking expedition in Ressurection Bay near Seward, AK in April, and a three-weeker in Prince William Sound through May. Looking forward to being on the water, and will definitely post stories and pictures.
We were practicing rescues in APU's salt water pool today, and I thought about how different it was training up in the mighty Lady (80 degrees vs. 40-ish).
: )
1. I keep telling you: stop going to work. It's dangerous. You are safer in a kayak.
ReplyDelete2. Stay away from that Ron guy. He has snot-itis.