Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Help eradicate poverty - Blog action day

Today is Blog Action Day and the theme is getting rid of poverty. As a firm believer in the adage, 'think globally, act locally' we will try to do out part. I am far outstripped by the VoiceOfReason however. She sits on the board of Open Your Heart, a statewide non profit organization funded mainly by payroll contributions. They give grants, both small and large, to community organizations and food and shelter providers on the front line of the battle against hunger and homelessness. She chairs the grant review board and what better person to be in that position than a voice of reason? Next Thursday Open Your Heart will host a fund raiser commemorating a year of service and kick off this years giving campaigns. The event is at Christo's Union Depot Place in St Paul as was last years. Greek appetizers, some fine beers and wines, and talks by various folks, especially those helped by the organization are featured. There is also a silent auction to help raise some additional money.

As we were trying to think of something to donate my fellow Lake Superior junkie, photographer extraordinaire, and blogger Travis came to mind. The VOR was agonizing over which of his photos she wanted to purchase so I thought I'd email him and see if he wanted to donate one for the silent auction. He wrote back and said no, he wouldn't donate one but how did two sound? So he and the VOR worked out the ones that would be donated for the auction and the one that would soon be hanging in our place (not a simple process!) and we were moving forward. When we took the photos to Artist's Choice, our local framing spot, Stephanie said heck, she'd donate the framing. This left the VOR to pull together one of her basket creations, "Wrap Up to a Cozy Fall", a basket with a wrap (not the kind you put smoked turkey, lettuce and mayo in), leather journal, deer horn pen, felted hat (handmade by the VOR's sisters), hot chocolate, scented candle, etc. Along with all the other donations there will be some good stuff at the event.

I haven't had a chance to check out any of the thousands of blogs involved in the effort today but plan on it. Its amazing how the power of instant communication can energize folks and I hope this one day effort can be sustained. If we keep thinking globally and acting locally maybe we can get this hunger problem to the tipping point and move it more quickly in the right direction.

(image courtesy of Open Your Heart - "Giving where the need is greatest")

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