Readers of this blog will recall the bear experiences of last 4th of July and this May on Manitou. It would appear that the bear have a regular route down the hill to the beach and then down toward the fish camp. According to a couple folks I talked to at NPS HQ in Bayfield, some Girl Scouts had a bear (some said two bears) that was reluctant to leave the area and then the next day a volunteer at the fish camp was trapped in the outhouse for a time. I offered to switch to York if some flexibility could be granted regarding number of people/tents in a site and that was acceptable. Given the makeup of the merged groups (me, VOR, BemidjiIntelOfficer, ManFromSnowyLegs, BessemerConvivialist, RonO, KingOfIronwoodIsland, GurneyGranny, and PodMan) it seems fairly certain that a pre 4th of July party could erupt.
It may be faulty memory on my part, but it seems that 10 years ago when I began lurking around these islands on a regular basis there was never an island closing, especially the entire island. When the mainland trail and the campsite at the end of it were closed earlier this year it was remarkable enough to make the Chicago Tribune. The trail as I understand it, is open now but Hermit Island is still closed to backcountry permits and has been for a year. In 2003 seven bears were trapped on Oak Island and relocated on the mainland and the island (Oak is a BIG island), was closed for a month to visitors. Basswood was also closed in 2006; we camped there the last day it was open.
I'm not sure why the rash of island closings in the last few years has occurred. More aggressive bears, more conservative park policies, dumber backcountry campers, fear of the plaintiffs bar, or a combination of all of those could be contributing factors. A few years back our hunting camp in western Bayfield County was the site of bear relocation due to its remote venue. We suddenly had a rash of 'juvenile delinquent' bears that were more aggressive, did the 'false charge' thing in an attempt to intimidate us, and exhibited other behavior unusual for 'wild' bears. aMaybe these Oak Island troublemakers were part of the group. When the PodMan had a bear do the false charge while cutting wood near the camp he calmly reported the incident, although admitted that adrenaline did peak. If some newbie had the same thing happen I can imagine the breathless report of being attacked and forced to flee by a gigantic bruin with gleaming claws and dripping jaws, barely escaping with their lives. I always get a kick out of the manly bear hunter who shoots some poor bear from a tree while its eating Twinkies from his bait pile 25 yards away. He then has it mounted on its hind legs with claws extended and teeth bared. I'll spare you my opinion on that sort of thing. All I would ask is that these situations and incidents be investigated and evaluated by professionals before closing islands. I don't think that exaggerated tales from spooked campers is enough to warrant closing an island for an entire summer. The other responsibility is for the kayakers and hikers themselves. Keep your food secure, know what to do when the bear shows up, and use your common sense. The advice in the NPS publication on Oak Island, linked above, is excellent. I've heard of idiots that tried to make the bear go away by throwing food at it. These guys should be covered with honey and tied to a tree. If we as backcountry campers use our heads, the park service digs a bit deeper on bear reports, and the additional bear boxes are installed to help reduce temptation, I would hope we could get through a season with no island closings. I'd include reasonable behavior on the part of plaintiffs attorneys in the possible solutions but I quit believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny decades ago.
Any Apostle Islands bear stories from blog readers would be appreciated. Meanwhile, camp smart, secure your food, and have a wonderful 4th of July celebration.
Heh... I don't have the details handy, but next time you talk to folks at the park, ask them to dig out the report from 1994 or so when a bear climbed onto the deck of a sailboat tied to the dock at Stockton. Now, that was a bear incident!
Too bad we weren't in the YouTube era then, that would have been classic!
Yeah... as I recall, the boater was in the rack, heard some noises, and looked up through the skylight to see the bear sniffing around on deck.
I wasn't too involved in the incident; that was when the park was divided into 2 districts, and I was the Wicked District Ranger of the West, which didn't include Stockton.
Stockton bears are notorious for raiding boats moored at Quarry Bay. How much of the folklore is true and how much is purely myth is debateable, but I remember one of the LE seasonals (think it was Joe Darling) claiming a bear snatched steaks off the deck of a power boat moored there in the summer of 2001. Could have just been a retelling of a much older incident, though, and the story had grown more colorful with repetition.
"I always get a kick out of the manly bear hunter who shoots some poor bear from a tree.....He then has it mounted on its hind legs with claws extended and teeth bared."
Exact subject of a Far Side cartoon years ago. Paddle safe and Happy 4th!
That's right, I saw that cartoon! Maybe it was buried in my subconscious. A buddy of mine that hunts bear actually did this very thing. We ridicule him to this day. Have fun, hopefully on the water.
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