Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More snow stuff

If you haven't figured it out by now, I love the winter and I especially love snow. My Norwegian and Irish ancestry makes me despise the 90F and humid days. I also function much better in cooler weather and on cooler water. This is why Lake Superior is my favorite place to paddle. Up until August there is no way you are going to be hot paddling on Gitchee Gumee. Its a wonderful benefit of living in this part of the planet.

Snow serves many purposes, not the least of which is filling the lake back up in the spring when it melts. One of the most interesting features of a good blanket of snow is the way it transforms the landscape. When the leaves fall off the trees and there is a covering of snow in the woods you can see a long ways and any movement is very obvious. This is a big plus for those of us who want a freezer full of venison steaks and sausage going into the winter season. The snow also transforms common objects into something very unlike what they really are. Like the mound of snow in the top photo..............

...............or is is really a park bench that the VOR is taking a snowshoe break on??

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