Sunday, January 6, 2008

More ski training

Even thought the Janauary thaw hit today with temperatures in the low 40's F, the SKOAC Renegade ski (& kayak) team managed to get some kilometers in up at the VOR and Mayor's parents land north of Mora, MN. I tried out my new waxless skis and while they are slower than my wax skis they will be a welcome addition when the rising temperatures dictate violet, red, or klister waxes, some of the nastiest substances known to mankind. The woods are mixed hardwoods and conifers and were covered with hoarfost, giving the forest ethereal quality due to the flat light and low visibility. We have a long, long way to go from a conditioning standpoint but, like those first long paddles of the spring, you feel better and better each time you get out. The trail segments, being analyzed in the photo by Rookie the Wonder Dog, are nicely laid out and just the right length for we stamina challenged kayakers.
RonO, being a dedicated cross trainer, left early
this morning for an ISK pool session but the rest of us took an hour or so to do a few loops at the excellent nordic center north of Mora. We have a few weekend ski events scheduled but the key is the snow and weather in Minnneapolis/St Paul. If we can get out and train 2-3 days during the week all will be well. If the snow melts it could get ugly. If the snow holds and things work out next weekend I too will be multi tasking ala' RonO with a ski on Saturday and a paddle session on Sunday morning. You gotta love winter in the northland!


  1. Perhaps I can now look more fondly upon those with waxless skiis... ;)

  2. Are those tele boards of yours going to get out this season? Not much snow in San Diego is there.... ;)
