The Tally's music on the water season is in full swing. Last night a few of us paddled over to the dock are on the west end of White Bear Lake to enjoy Michael Monroe on the Tally's stage. We also enjoyed some fine 'hors doovers' and an adult beverage or three. It was an ecumenical gathering with sailboaters, pontoon folks, we kayakers, and even an errant wind surfer who kind of adopted our group. It was also the location for the official SKOAC 'social paddle". The Bessemer Convivialilst was leading that group and gave us a forlorn look as she and her charges headed around Manitou Island while we slackers headed for the dock and the wine. A thunderstorm hit and we figured there would be no safer place than among the sailboat masts. See Kiwibirds blog for some real lightning tips and a superb photo as well. During the music and the rain we kept hearing reports that the 35W bridge had collapsed. Evereyone hauled out their cell phones to check on friends and loved ones. Had the BC and one of our other SKOAC board members not taken alternate routes because of the construction they may have been in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time. Goes to show you what happens when you take your infastructure for granted.
This weekend its off to Two Harbors and the Bettys Pie 5 mile race. Many of us have been training (by eating pie, of course) for weeks now. A full report will be issued upon our return.
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