Friday, July 13, 2007

Grand Marais, MN not MI

With many sea kayakers heading for the Great Lakes Symposium in Grand Marais, Michigan next weekend, we have to be different and head for Grand Marais, MN. Its the family campout weekend for the Voice of Reason's family. Good times, outdoor fun of all kinds, campfires and beer, and of course some kayaking. Its always good to get back to GM, walk out on the jetty to the light, and savor the sun set over the Sawtooth Mountains. You are reminded that the lake is indeed the boss when you see the cable handline on the jetty to keep you from getting washed off when the waves are crashing in.

The VOR's sister (whom I will have a blog name for before the weekend is me) picked up a new CD Scirocco and will want to put it through its paces. I had a Scirocco on one of my trips up to the Canadian shield area and I must say for landing on cobble and rock ledges it was wonderful. No delicate balancing to protect gel coat, just accelerate to ramming speed and hit the beach. Its been a couple of years since we went around Hat Point near Grand Portage. the route takes you past the Witches Tree (Spirit Tree if you prefer) to the Susie Islands which are owned by the Nature Conservancy. This tree, Hat Point, and the fur trading depot at Grand Portage were well known by the voyageurs. In fact at one point, more people in Europe had heard of Grand Portage than had heard of New York due to its spot in the epicenter of the fur trade.

Hat Point seems to be the Point Detour of the North Shore. There always seems to be wind, waves, shoal action, and lots of rebound waves when you go around it. The reward of reaching the Susies is well worth the bouncing however. Its a wonderful little island group and is very secluded. The photo is from near Mt Josephine with just the tops of the islands sticking out of the fog.

I'll have to be subtle and persuasive to pull this off however because this is also the weekend of the Grand Marais Art Festival. The VOR, along with mom, sisters, sisters-in-law, et al will have that thing covered like a blanket and I need to get the paddle set up before the fever sets in and can't be controlled. Wish me luck.......

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