Annual 2013 Grouse Kill is in the books.
Most of the usual suspects made an appearance and Friday night’s session ended at approximately 4:45 a.m., a time that I
only know about through hearsay evidence.
Four of us who were nicely vertical at the noon hour decided it would be
a good time to check out the proposed GTAC mine tailing and waste rock site
which is only a short drive from camp. We were armed, although grouse loads
would have been no match for the M4 carbines or H&K rifles carried by the
Bulletproof security gang. Thankfully, no other souls were spotted on the
hike. Three grouse were flushed but none
were harmed, and it was a lovely fall day in the woods
The area
we explored was the spot where the giant waste rock mountain would be
located. It was partially cut over and markings
on the trees suggest that a select cut of large oak trees is in the works. There are plenty of streams in the area, some
with names, some without, that feed the Tyler Forks River which meanders
through the Penokee Range and dumps spectacularly into the Bad River at Copper
Falls State Park. The area we checked
out was near Bull Gus Creek, named after an eccentric logger who lived in the
area. Apparently, folks who knew Bull
Gus are still around and tell interesting, mostly true stories about the fellow. His namesake creek is a nice little brook
trout stream that originates in a large beaver pond in the highlands. The dam is active and impressive at approximately
fifteen feet high, and it releases water to the creek in a number of trickles--leaks
in the dam, as it were. This insures
that the creek stays cold even in summer as the snow melt and cool water from
the pond flow into the creek. Brookies
love cool water and trout fishermen love brookies.
Like many
things regarding the mine, the State of Wisconsin seems to be bending over
backwards to make sure it gets done. The
guy with the most supple spine, a guy who can almost touch his toes bending
backwards, is Sen. Tom Tiffany of the Minocqua area. Those of us who own land in the Managed
Forest Land program receive a tax break in exchange for managing our
timber. We signed a contract stating
that if we decided to pull our land out of the program, we would pay the state
back the tax difference since we enrolled in the program. All of the land proposed to be mined by GTAC
is enrolled in this program allowing public access as one of the conditions of
the MFL program. Having people snooping
around and taking pictures of erosion from core sampling and maybe even finding
asbestos- bearing rocks (!) is certainly not what GTAC wants. So a bill was introduced by the above
mentioned supple-spined Senator to allow them to take their land out of MFL
with no penalty. After all, it's only
about a million bucks in lost tax revenue.
good example of 'it's OK for you little people but not for us job creators' is
the whole wetlands thing. If you want to
create a pond, much less fill one in, an incredible amount of paperwork and
inspections are part of the process . Contrary to GTAC President Bill Williams’ assertion in the Ironwood Daily Globe that the DNR is
holding up the permitting process, it would appear instead that the dog ate
GTAC's homework in the case. The DNR is
actually waiting for them to get their feces in a group, to use the polite
phrase, and submit the required documentation for stormwater run-off, location
of access roads—sans wetlands, etc. We as private citizens could literally not
dump a pickup load of dirt in an area that had three cattails growing but these
guys can destroy the entire watershed, including the area in the images, if this Republican-and-Tiffany-led-fast-track
program goes through.
I always
thought Republicans were the party of local control and decentralized
government oversight. Yet our guy Sen.
Tiffany introduced a bill to turn over local control of air and water
monitoring, sampling, and blasting completely to the state DNR rather than
townships and counties that are being affected.
Right now in my home town area of Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls they are
mining and hauling much of the sand deposited by the last glacier out to North
Dakota and Texas for fracking in the oil fields. Tiffany’s fellow Republicans in those
areas, what I would call traditional Republicans, have cried foul and are in
favor of retaining local control. It
seems to me to be a fairly transparent scheme to centralize the activity in the
DNR, appoint a pro developer as head of the DNR, and then cut funding so they
don't have the resources to do the proper.......oh wait, I guess they already
did that.
brings up the grunerite issue. Since you
can't just back out of the MFL program immediately, and the rifle-toting,
camouflaged guards from Bulletproof Security were found to be operating in
Wisconsin illegally, people can still wander the land, fishing, bird hunting,
and collecting things. Like rocks. I personally helped the FrugalFisherman
collect several rocks, ignoring complaints from my back, when we were hiking on
Saturday. Apparently some of these rocks
contain grunerite, an asbestos bearing rock. Noted geological experts like
Senator Tiffany and Ms. Kolesar, chair of the Iron Co. "We Will Do
Anything for a Mine" committee have observed that the grunerite was likely
planted by mine opponents. From the evidence so far it would seem to be a massive planting effort. Science seems
to be a four letter word in Wisconsin these days, even though it obviously has
seven letters. Geologists and other
scientific experts seem to be ignored whether it about asbestos bearing rock,
air quality from massive frac sand operations, or the wisdom of a wolf hunting
season in the state.
The fact
is that the very last thing on the minds of these giant corporations is worker
safety. It's been that way since the
very start of the industrial revolution. I say that as the son and grandson of
two guys who both died way too young after working at the US Rubber / Uniroyal
tire plant for decades, both coincidentally from lung related ailments. I don't think those diseases are hereditary. It surely couldn't be the
rubber dust, chemicals, and working conditions, right? However, Uniroyal brought jobs,
jobs, jobs to the Chippewa Valley area, just like the frac sand operations. Large corporations will only do what they are
required to do, and they work diligently to eliminate pesky requirements that
impact jobs and especially profits. An excellent
way to do that is to take away local control from those affected by the
operations and put it in the hands of an underfunded state agency rather than
encouraging a scientifically based collaboration between local entities and the
DNR and even the Feds and the Tribe.
Let’s open our collective eyes and do some strategic
cost/benefit thinking on these issues.
We need some facts--scientific facts--not ideological propaganda put
forth by the right or left. It's the
only way we will collectively win in the long run.
How can that ale possibly be drinkable when it comes in a can?
ReplyDeleteOne of my acquaintances who does consulting in mining engineering thinks that mine is never going to happen. His company did some work a couple years ago on one aspect of the proposed project. Here's hoping he's right.
Since small canning lines have become really cost effective lots of small breweries have adopted the motto, 'Beer in a can to pour into a glass'. Most of the Keweenaw products are excellent.
ReplyDeleteSome people suspect that GTAC is using the old play action fake or rope a dope with this mine. They think they are trying to get the laws changed, bar lowered, etc., for some even more nefarious mining scheme. I wish Chris Cline would stick to strip mining Illinois for coal and dallying with Tiger Wood's ex wife and leave us alone.