The area in the Lake Superior watershed is pretty much red clay and aspen, encouraged by the forestry monoculture and quick and easy regeneration of the species. Clear cut, come back aspen, and cut it again in 40 or so years was the conventional wisdom for awhile. Its great for deer and grouse reproduction, two species that we find especially valuable as well as tasty, but its a boring forest to look at, almost as boring as the straight rows of red pine that the big timber companies are planting these days. When they clear cut a forest, they treat the land with herbicide to make sure none of the native stuff comes back, then plant it with row upon boring row of Red or Norway pine, another fast growing species. Our goal is to have a bit more.....cliched, politically correct term coming up.......diversity. We think our little part of western Bayfield county needs White Pine, Hemlock, Swamp Oak, Tamarack, White Cedar, and even some High Bush Cranberry. That was the mix we had and at the crack of 8am on Saturday we loaded up and headed for the select cut.

The actual planting went just fine. The soil was saturated after the snow melt, the spud went into the ground like a hot knife through butter, and the moisture will ensure that the roots take hold. Image left has a planting spud and bundle of 25 White Pine seedlings.

In the future we will plant more trees and cut more timber. Our goal is a good looking forest that's pleasant to walk in and inviting for those pesky deer and mouth watering grouse to live and thrive in. Timber sale dollars are a side benefit. Almost 2/3rds of forested land in the State of Wisconsin is owned by private individuals and families. The various governmental bodies own 30% and the corporations only own 11% at this point. Its pretty obvious that the private landowners have the power and responsibility to keep most of Wisconsin's forests healthy and productive. The group that we worked with on our timber sale, application for Managed Forest status, and tree species consultation is the Living Forest Co-op out of Ashland, WI. Charly Ray is the guy running the operation. Kayakers may know Charly as the head of the Inland Sea Society, sponsor of the every other year kayak symposium, 16-19 June this year.
We need more trees. Roughy 16% of the worlds greenhouse gases are caused burning and clearing the planets forests, more than all the internal combustion engines combined. Forest carbon offests, a relatively puzzling thing for a number of people including me, could be a future incentive to improve and preserve our forests. For right now however, the prospect of a healthy and attractive woodland, deer and grouse for the table, a couple bucks from timber sales, and good exercise are all the incentive we landowners on Reefer Creek need. I would encourage my fellow woodland owners to do the same.

Everyone out here in California goes apeshit for aspen, because it's the only real fall color they get in the mountains. Which always makes me think, "do you mean those mangy clearcut groves that look like rotting white birch?"
ReplyDeleteThat bottle of Ruffino Classico looks vaguely familiar.........??
ReplyDeleteYup, the acre upon acre of same age aspen, popple to we Great Lakes staters,is about as boring as trees can get. Unless you drive by the red pine plantations.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, that is not actually Sam's....er, KingIronwoods actual bottle of wine. We consumed that the first night. It was just a photo prop. I would never get him wine that good, even with the free coupon that he was rewarded for his prodigious consumption.