A Republican House member and Democratic Senator from Michigan introduced legislation to cut off funding for operation of the locks in Chicago, the Interstate Carp Highway from the Mississippi watershed to the Great Lakes. This provision in a budget bill was torpedoed and sank one week ago today. Meanwhile the hearings in various cities from Minneapolis to New Orleans drag on (at slug-like speed according to the Detroit Free Press), the potentially worst spring flooding season in years is just around the corner, and the carp are gearing up for a little hot carp lovin' as the spawing season approaches along with the flood waters.
In an incident much closer to home for we kayakers, a kayaker in the MR340 in Missouri was struck in the head by what observers thought was a 2-3', 20-30 pound carp. An alert blog reader sent me the link after a previous anti carp/government ineptitude post. Be sure to save the 6 part, "Tips for Avoiding Carp on the Missouri". We can easily modify it to "Tips for Avoiding Carp in Lakes Michigan and Superior" in a few short years. One very succinct paragraph in the article seems a bit foreboding given the anticipated spring flooding and glacial speed of the government response: "Because these carp have been found to spawn in high waters, the floods of the mid 90s only exacerbated the problem. Now, bighead carp have penetrated the electric barrier that blocks fish from the Mississippi River Basin into the Great Lakes Basin, creating a growing economic concern that threatens the multi-billion dollar fishery industry in that area". As we used to say in junior high, 'no shit Sherlock'!

The lesson from these two stories is pretty simple. We need to keep up the pressure on these officials and good things can happen. I'm sure our old buddy Scott Walker down in Madison is well aware of that fact as he attempts to go to work and answer phone calls from his billionaire supporters. Let your opinion be known loudly and often. Don't get distracted or a carp might hit you in the head.
(carp action shots courtesy of the AP and Brian Kaufman of the Detroit Free Press)
I am a Walker supporter. I am not a billionaire.
ReplyDeleteFred Bouwman
Three Lakes, WI
True, I've never noticed any billionaires when I've passed through Three Lakes. But the point was that he likely won't be very busy fielding any calls from you or your peers.