How many times have we heard this from friends, relatives, and co workers? Almost as many as "whats your favorite beer?". The answer is very similiar; depends on what you're doing. On the beer question, ifI just get through mowing the lawn on a 90F day the answer is Leinenkugels, an American pilsner. If I'm enjoying the fireplace on a a -10F wintry evening I will certainly require a Summit Winter Ale, a dark, rich, malty ale. Kayaks are the same way; depends on what your doing with it. I've had that question come up twice this week, amazing because the lakes around here have become a bit stiff this time of year. One has been an ongoing search by long time hunting buddy, the BearTrackingTeacher. The other was sent in by No1 sons former roommate, good buddy, and general raconteur', LordHayden. BearTrack actually lives in Washburn, WI, a town right on Lake Superior, and had been infected with the kayak bug which he caught from several friends that I've infected over the years. LordHayden is in the Monterey, CA area performing some obtuse geographic/geologic study on the local flora and fauna. Both would rather not spend the big $$ for a fiberglass boat and both need a craft that handles on big water. LordHayden, a known angler, might consider a sit on top, depending on water temp in that area. BearTrack almost certainly needs a 16' or better rotomolded boat with spray skirt, etc. The one thing I told them both is to paddle a bunch of boats. Almost certainly neither will do it for a number of reasons. So whats a guy to do? I guess based on body size, what I think they will be using the boat for mostly, temperament, and amount of $$ in the pocket I just throw out a couple boats for them to look for. Hook em up with paddling.net, CraigsList, reputable retailers (Midnight Sun is selling P&H roto Capella's, brand new, $850.....see previous posts) and turn em loose. I hate to tell them something from a position of pseudo-expertise and then have them unhappy with the choice but I guess a imperfect boat is better than no boat. Heck, just do like the rest of us addicts and expand the fleet! I did tell them both that if they got into a boat that they had to promise me that they would never attempt to reserve the campsite on (name withheld for security reasons) Island in the Apostles during the month of September.

This is by far the most wholesome activity that has been associated with my name on the internet.
ReplyDeleteI tried not to defame you any more than absolutely necessary. Same time, same place as last year on 23 Dec. Will you be in Western Wisconsin this holiday season?
ReplyDeleteHere's a possibility: http://www.seakayakingusa.com/islandkayaks.htm. No rudders though...
ReplyDeleteHmmm.....2nd Lt Olson is in Ft Gordon, GA. He is normally bored to tears on the weekends, this could be a hot tip for me to pass on. Thanks Kiwi!